What do we do?
We look for the integrity of the 7 pillars of your home. These are the grounds that surround it, the
roof, the foundation, your electrical system, plumbing system, Heating system, and the Air
Conditioning System.
Don’t expect a perfect house; every inspection will reveal issues. Depending on the size of the home, the inspection typically takes
between two and four hours. You should choose an inspector that you and your agent trust; we always strive to make your choice Iron
Homes Inspections. We will provide you a neutral, well-written report with color photos and about 30 to 40 pages of information. At the
time of inspection, we will take the lead and run the show, but don’t be afraid to ask questions, in fact we encourage it. This is your
opportunity to get an expert opinion on the biggest financial purchase of your life and to really understand how the house functions.
Afterward, make sure you and your agent go through the entire report together and then decide how to proceed with your negotiations.
Also if you have questions after your inspection never hesitate to contact us, we are always here for you!
What will we never do!
1. Your new home is fine, but I will make it look bad so you can get a better price. I am an unbiased inspector I report on what I see and
what I can deduce from the signs that I observe.
2. I am going to tell you if you should buy the house. Buying a home is a very personal purchase and is very different for every
individual. What is right for one person is not for the other. However if I give you the facts you can make an informed decision.
3. I will cut corners to keep your Agent happy. My inspection of your new home is a matter of pride for me. Also you are my client not
your agent. I will do my best work to give you the most information about your biggest purchase.
4. I am working here I don’t have time to talk to you. I enjoy answering your questions, I take a great sense of accomplishment, if I feel
that you are getting something out of the inspection more than a few sheets of paper. Not only am I giving you the over all condition of
your house but I hope to give you a foundation on how to care for your house for years to come.
Iron Homes Inspections (Call Now!) 919.720.1530
Erik Raudsep
Erik is the founding inspector of
Iron Homes Inspections. His
pride and vision is the driving
force of Iron Homes Inspections
and has inspected well over 1000
homes in the Triangle.